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Журналы Атомная стратегия 2024 год
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Вышла в свет книга Б.И.Нигматулина и В.А.Пивоварова «Реакторы с тяжелым жидкометаллическим теплоносителем. История трагедии и фарса». Подробнее 
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Re: Горячая новость о холодном синтезе (Всего: 0)
от на 13/01/2015

Похоже, что бывший директор Радиевого института разучился читать по-английски. В отчете об эксперименте прямым текстом говориться:

«Our instruments consisted of two thermal imaging cameras to measure average surface temperatures, two power and harmonics analyzers for electrical consumption measurements, and three digital multimeters to measure any possible DC component in the power supply.

Special attention was given to measuring the current and voltage input to the system: the absence of any DC component in the power supply was verified in various occasions in the course of the test, by means of digital multimeters and supplementary clamp ammeters. We also verified that all the harmonics of the waveforms input to the system were amply included in the range measurable by the PCEs (Figure 5). The three-phase current line supplying all the energy used for the test came from an electrical panel belonging to the establishment hosting our laboratory, to which further unrelated three-phase current equipment was connected.

The power analyzers were two PCE 830 units from PCE Instruments, capable of measuring, and displaying on an LCD display, electric current, voltage and power values, as well as the corresponding waveforms. These instruments are capable of reading voltage and AC current values up to 5 kHz.

In all the days that followed, no alterations were made to the instrumental apparatus or to the supply voltage.

The first phase of the test was dedicated to measuring the “dummy reactor”, i.e. the E-Cat operating without its internal charge. Conservation of energy dictates that all power supplied to the dummy reactor from the electric power line be dissipated as thermal energy to the environment by means of radiation and convection. Therefore, by comparing power input, as measured by the two power analyzers, to power output as measured by us, we were able to ascertain that no overestimation had occurred. In other words, the data relevant to the dummy reactor served the purpose of checking the method used. However, it was not meant to compare the operation of the loaded reactor to the dummy run. In fact, such a procedure would have required that the same amount of power be supplied to the dummy and to the reactor. 

In the calculations that follow, relevant to the dummy reactor and the E-Cat’s power production and consumption, the watts dissipated by Joule heating will be subtracted from the power supply values.

The dummy reactor was switched by Andrea Rossi who gradually brought it to the power level requested by us. Rossi later intervened to switch off the dummy, and in the following subsequent operations on the E-Cat: charge insertion, reactor startup, reactor shutdown and powder charge extraction. Throughout the test, no further intervention or interference on his part occurred; moreover, all phases of the test were monitored directly by the collaboration».

Таким образом, трехфазный источник энергии был частью стандартного промышленного изолированного оборудования полностью находящегося под контролем авторов отчета, никто кроме авторов при выделении избыточной энергии не имел доступа к установке, а сам Росси в процессе эксперимента в швейцарской лаборатории находился на территории США. Никакого избыточного тепла в процессе нагрева от источника питания пустого реактора без топлива не зафиксировано.

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