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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0) от на 02/10/2019
The expansion of harsh policies – such as California's Three Strikes
law and similar measures by other states – has led the United States to
have the largest per-capita prison population in the world.
"Most people likely assume this must be due to rising crime rates,
but the explosion in the prison population is better explained by harsh
criminal justice policies,"
The Sentencing Project estimates 1 in 3 Black men will spend time behind bars during their lifetime [www.sentencingproject.org], compared with 1 in 6 Latino men and 1 in 17 White men. Arrest rates for marijuana possession are four times as high for Black Americans as for White.
The most recent comprehensive demographic study of the California prison
system was completed in 2013. According to this state prison census,
there were 134,160 inmates in California correctional facilities that
year. Of these, 39,451 prisoners were African American, representing
29.4% of all inmates. A less extensive 2016 survey shows similar
numbers, indicating that these figures are more or less stable. 55,421
prisoners were Latino in 2013. This represents 41.3% of California
inmates. Latinos are the largest racial group by far in the California
prison system. 23% of inmates are white, and 6.3% belong to other racial
groups. One glaring issue is that African Americans and Latinos are
overrepresented in the state's prison system. According to census
estimates from 2015, California's total population is 39% Latino and
6.5% African American. This shows that, for African Americans in
particular, a disproportionate amount of the population is in the prison
African Americans were overrepresented relative to their population to varying degrees in every US state.
from 4 to 7 percent of the persons held in American jails and prisons are noncitizens.
Violent crime overall remained near 30-year lows last year