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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0)
от на 02/10/2019

Netherlands largest palm oil trader within EU With over 2 billion euros, the Netherlands is by far the largest importer of palm oil within the European Union, followed by Spain, Germany, Italy and Belgium. The bulk of Dutch palm oil imports consists of crude palm oil (72 percent). This share is considerably higher than in the other importing countries. The remainder of palm oil imports is related to palm oil fractions (15 percent), crude palm kernel oil (11 percent) and palm kernel oil fractions (2 percent). With a value of 1.3 billion euros, the Netherlands is also the largest palm oil exporter of the EU, followed by Germany at a great distance. For the most part (84 percent), Dutch exports come from palm oil fractions, extracted from imported crude palm oil. This production process takes place in the Netherlands. Crude palm oil and palm kernel oil are rarely exported from here.
Below are the 15 countries that spent the most on imported palm oil during 2018.
  1. India: US$5.5 billion (17.5% of total palm oil imports)
  2. China: $3.4 billion (10.8%)
  3. Pakistan: $1.9 billion (6.1%)
  4. Netherlands: $1.8 billion (5.7%)
  5. Spain: $1.3 billion (4.2%)
  6. United States: $1.1 billion (3.6%)
  7. Bangladesh: $1 billion (3.3%)
  8. Italy: $997 million (3.2%)
  9. Russia: $748.4 million (2.4%)
  10. Egypt: $686.2 million (2.2%)
  11. Germany: $583.7 million (1.9%)
  12. Myanmar (Burma): $575.8 million (1.8%)
  13. Japan: $536.4 million (1.7%)
  14. Vietnam: $513.4 million (1.6%)
  15. Malaysia: $452.8 million (1.4%)
By value, the listed 15 countries purchased 67.4% of all palm oil imports in 2018.

Among the above countries, the fastest-growing markets for palm oil since 2014 were: Myanmar also called Burma (up 940.6%), Egypt (up 60.3%), Malaysia (up 18.7%) and Spain (up 18.3%).

Those countries that posted declines in their imported palm oil purchases were led by: Germany (down -48.5%), Italy (down -35.7%), China (down -22.5%) and Netherlands (down -16.4%). U.S. imports of Palm oil decreased 22.83 percent from $712.05 million to $549.47 million through the first seven months of 2019 when compared to the same period the previous year, according to WorldCity analysis of the latest U.S. Census Bureau data.
Through July of this year the leading sources were No. 1 Indonesia, No. 2 Malaysia, No. 3 Singapore, No. 4 Colombia and No. 5 Denmark.

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