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Re: Цитата: вправду считаете США и ЕС ''ядром мировой цивилизации''? (Всего: 0) от на 06/10/2019
Mao declared that "95 percent of the people are good," leading the party
to target 5 percent in many organizations as "bad elements" who should
be purged and repressed. At least hundreds of thousands died. THE GREAT FAMINE 1959-61 *
The greatest loss of life came in the Great Famine, a result of Mao's
misguided industrialization effort called the Great Leap Forward. The
Chinese government over the years has given varying estimates of deaths
and at one time blamed them on the weather. For years many scholars said
20 million died. But Judith Bannister, a demographer at the U.S. Census
Bureau, has put the toll at about 30 million. Using material
contributed by China's State Statistical Bureau as well as China's State
Family Planning Commission, she and other demographers employed
complicated formulas involving birth rates before and after the period
to reach their conclusion. An even higher figure -- 43 million -- is now
gaining some academic currency. Chen Yizi, a former Chinese official
now at Princeton University's Center for Modern China, spent years
researching the subject in China. He conducted a county-by-county review
of deaths in five provinces and, by extrapolation, arrived at 43
million. A research center in Shanghai recently reached the same figure
for the number of famine deaths. THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION 1966-76 *
Mao's movement to destroy his adversaries, counter "bureaucratism" and
create a new society. Assessing the figure presents problems; in many
places, fighting among Red Guard factions erupted and government and
police authority collapsed. Many were tortured or driven to suicide.
There have been wild fluctuations on death estimates -- from hundreds of
thousands to 20 million. Relying on official Chinese sources, some
Western scholars have long accepted that half a million people died in
the Cultural Revolution. Hu Yaobang, former communist Party chief, has
been quoted as saying that 1 million people died during the period, but
the figure apparently excludes the fighting between Red Guard and army
factions. A number of scholars, including Harry Harding of the Brookings
Institution, believe about 1 million died. But as new evidence emerges,
an even higher toll is likely. Two of the Cultural Revolution campaigns
least known in the West and least studied by scholars -- the
"purification of class ranks" (1968-70) and the campaign against "May 16
elements"(1968-69) -- are now revealed to be among the bloodiest.